Biomass Large and Small scale offers massive fantastic opportunities for the UK.

Many of our European neighbours already derive considerable amounts of carbon neutral power and heat (chp possibilities)  from its myriad forms.

Biomass is considered Carbon neutral as the fuel stock will involve replanting of Biomass and the consequent reabsorbtion of Carbon dioxide out the atmosphere.

Biomass can include but is not limited too burning of waste food stock(Rothes whiskey distillers,Scotland) , Waste animal products (Eye Biomass),waste straw (Sleaford biomass power station),Wood chip (Port Talbot biomass plant),wood pellets (usually micro /home) ,Anerobic digestion (AD) (numerous) and reclaimed timber(Lockerbie biomass power station) 

Biomass has the potential to power 10% of our electrical needs without reducing our space/land for food planting.

Many Coal power stations currently use Biomass to reduce their Considerable Carbon emmisions with one of the largest carbon dioxide emmiters (Drax) building a large extension for biomass ( 300mw).

The opportunities for Biomass plants to use CCS(carbon capture and storage) can not be underestimated.We could possibly reduce and even undue some of the damage we have done to our one and only atmosphere in this way.

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