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Check this video out -- Wind of Change - Fintry community renewable energy film via

 Sustainable Energy Solutions UK ( SES)  is a pro renewables campaign group that actively supports renewable energy projects across the UK. In 1800, there were over 10,000 windmills in the UK .We passionately believe that to address man-made climate change and produce Clean indigenous energy, we have to reduce our carbon emissions when generating electricity, which means reducing our waste with energy efficiency measures and supporting truly sustainable energy such as Wind, Biomass ,Wave, Tidal, Solar ,CHP, and Microgeneration .Two universities and international engineering firms have compiled some Recent reports that have debunked alot of the myths with analysis that Europe can be powered by 100% renewables by 2050.



The UK is Blessed with an enourmus wealth of Indigenous Renewable energy ,that can be easily harnesed at economic prices without leaving a Legacy of Polution nor waste for generations to come, unlike Coal,Oil,Gas and Nuclear.

Renewable energy production has been harvested since the ancient Chinese and Egyptians ,with Wind,Hydro and Solar to name but 3.

In the UK Windmills and Watermills are protected as National treasures,Modern Windmills will also gain such respect and admiration as the majority of people(80%) appreciate their iconic beauty.

In the Sustainable Development Commisions ,detailed report on Wind Power in the UK ,over 50 different Independent surveys show over 80% SUPPORT for onshore wind power,proposed or built.


We will need ALL of the renewable energy available to us to meet the challenges we face with Climate Change and Indigenous Energy security.

Onshore Wind is by far the cheapest and most Abundant by many orders of Magnitude of all the renewables (with 40% of Europe's TOTAL) ,with the potential to power the UK 3 times over and is of 2007 ,cheaper than and with negligable environmental impact than Natural Gas power generation,'Clean coal' and Nuclear fission.

Visual Impact of Climate Change and the production of pollution free ,Indigenous energy massively outweighs any temporary construction that installation of renewable energy will bring to the landscape fabric.


Carbon footprint of all energy sources,Onshore wind the lowest at 4.6g/Kwh ,Coal at 1000g/Kwh, Nuclear not including decommisioning and storage.

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